
Look What I've Been Up To

I have been having so much fun over the last several weeks creating, that I have neglected my blogging. My bad.

Since we last visited, I have learned (again) to knit. I've mastered the simple beanie and some embellished beanies.
I've done pretty well with adding colors too (yippie!).

I feel so accomplished, like a kid that has just learned to tie her shoes or dress herself.

I've also been making tutus and just finished an order for a dance studio in Texas for a group of girls who are having a recital in February.  What fun when I got that request!

I truely feel blessed to be creating for my customers.
As some of you know, I have been out of a job for approx 2 yrs and this is my only income for now. So thank you all for reading my blog, passing my shop link along, and for your support.
I cherish you and am also thankful to have the opportunity to do what I love.

 Elfin Beanie
     Pink Ribbon Beanie

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